Teo Petruzzi

Stream #5 ( A lakeside view, with a few white motor boats bobbing up and down ...

Stream #5 ( A lakeside view, with a few white motor boats bobbing up and down ...
Material & Technik
Screenshot on monitor, 4:3, black & white, mono

The piece consists of a static image of an icon showing a crossed out surveillance camera on a white background with the words "CAMERA NOT AVAILABLE" underneath. This is displayed on an CRT TV. The TV is placed on a pedestal, so that it is just underneath eye level. A sound file is attached to the image and played through the internal speakers of the TV. The sound is a static sine wave ( an E4, emulating the NO SIGNAL sound, often heard in movies or television; where a character hangs up a phone or when a broadcast, that the protagonist is watching, is interrupted, etc. ).

... on lazy waves and fine palm tree leafs slowly brushing up on a pastel yellow bungalow, after the owner of the camera found out that I had been watching him through his own surveillance stream ), 2018